"This Joyousness and dispersion of thought before a task of some importance seems to prove that this world of ours is not such a serious affair after all." -Joseph conrad

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Setting the stage.

So I realize that I've been mostly absent[minded] of worldly affairs and writing of late, which might require some explanation on my part.

To that end, I offer a disheveled stage. One on which all of the props, lines and other necessary items lie close at hand, but not in any readily accessible manner. For the past eight years we have lived in close proximity to many great places and have traveled further yet to see many more. There's been plenty of inspiration, but it always came down us needing to leave home in order to find said inspiration.

As I have said, all of the necessary stuff was there for writing or thinking, but in order to access any of it, I needed to push aside other things and rearrange the place. Additionally, we usually needed to bring the stuff back to us as home was not in and of itself a place to generate much in the way of thought.

All of that being said, over the past two months we have been setting a new stage. A stage upon which we can readily access all of those important things while still looking out over that vast blue abyss that has been so important to both of us for so long.